North NJ DSA

Convention 2024

NNJ DSA’s most deliberative body is our annual chapter convention. Members can submit resolutions, proposals for priority campaigns and even their own candidacy for the Executive Committee. Note the below timeline for our next convention and reach out to if you have any questions. 

(must be a Member in Good standing to view . Check membership here. Email us proof of membership at to regain membership.)

What is Convention?

Our chapter convention is an annual convening of members to decide priority campaigns, pass resolutions, and elect a new Executive Committee of the North NJ DSA chapter. Chapter by-laws amendments may also be made which govern how the chapter operates  year-round. Past conventions have resolved questions of electoral independence, strategy on housing and labor work, how branches form, and what major campaigns our chapter will focus on in the coming year.

How can I participate?

The best but certainly not the only way to participate in convention is to submit proposals. Reach out to comrades you’ve organized with over the year(s) and put together resolutions using the forms above. Is there something you’d like to work on with others and you just want to have more buy-in for it in the chapter? Convention is the perfect venue for proposing and then discussing and debating those proposals. Another good way to participate is to read all submitted proposals once they’re released and to introduce amendments for proposals. It’s no hard feelings amending someone else’s proposal. Amendments should be something you see as paramount to the intent or success of the proposal, and that you and/or others would like to participate in the implementation of the proposal with a little twist.

Is it in-person?

Convention is hybrid, per our chapter by-laws, so you can attend in person or via Zoom.

Will there be a time and place to discuss convention with others before Convention?

Yes, the current Executive Committee is working on hosting events that walk through EC roles and responsibilities, talk about past priority campaigns and resolutions. Look out for more on the Calendar.


You must be a member in good standing by January 7th to vote in convention.

An absentee ballot will be sent prior to Convention.

The Executive Committee shall make available to chapter members all submitted proposed amendments and resolutions, as well as submitted candidate questionnaire responses no later than 21 days before the scheduled convention date to allow for review and consideration by the membership.

View All Submitted Proposals (must be a member in Good standing to view. Email us proof of membership at to regain membership)

Submit Amendments

Members in good standing may submit proposed amendments to any submitted chapter by-laws amendment and priority resolution. Such amendments shall be submitted no later than 14 days before the scheduled convention date.

The chapter convention shall be held each January on a Saturday or Sunday to allow for maximum participation by the members. Let’s come together and make a plan for a strong 2024! We have a world to win and it starts right here!


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