North NJ DSA

DSA Statement from the National Political Committee

October 7th

DSA is steadfast in expressing our solidarity with Palestine. The past few day’s events are a direct result of Israel’s apartheid regime—a regime that receives billions in funding from the United States. End the violence. End the Occupation. Free Palestine.

We unequivocally condemn the killing of all civilians. It is imperative for international human rights law to be respected. But we cannot forget that the Israeli state has systematically denied Palestinians the right to self-determination for decades.

This was not unprovoked. For over 60 years, Palestinians have faced ethnic cleansing, torture, bombings, and housing demolitions. Gaza is still under a blockade. As socialists, we must act.The #NotOnOurDime coalition campaign—advanced by NYC-DSA member & NY Assemblymember @ZohranKMamdani—provides an effective model for pressuring elected officials to stop providing financial support to the Israeli state.  

Take to the streets to join a protest for peace and against funding the Israeli state. Find out what actions local DSA and YDSA chapters are taking and join in.

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