North NJ DSA

Now is the winter of action in response to our discontent!

Welcome to 2017, comrades. As our membership rolls continue expanding in New Jersey and throughout the nation, we also wish to welcome any and all new members of the Democratic Socialists of America. If ever there were a time to be part of a progressive movement for social and economic justice, that time is now.

The strength and direction of our organization is determined by the activism of our members. Please join us at one of our two upcoming New Jersey Democratic Socialists of America meetings:

  • DSA Monthly Meeting – North NJ DSA

Saturday, January 14 – 12:30pm
Facebook Event

  • DSA Monthly Meeting – Central NJ DSA

Saturday, January 14 – 3pm
Facebook Event

In December, the Central New Jersey chapter elected its executive committee and we welcome and thank the individuals who have chosen to take on those leadership roles: Christian Bowe (Chair), Russell Weiss-Irwin (Vice Chair), Ben Burgis (Social Media Coordinator), Casey Western (Membership Coordinator), Nicky Steidel (YDS Coordinator), Matt Hancock (Princeton Branch Chair), and Mark Alper (New Brunswick Branch Chair). The North New Jersey chapter plans do the same at the upcoming January meeting. Following this, executive committee members from across the state will be meeting to develop a strategic plan for statewide political action in 2017.

As a reminder, we have put into place several systems to keep our members informed and connected, such as our statewide listserv (where you can join in the ongoing debate about the merits of starting a DSA Slack channel) and this newsletter. We also encourage members to be active coalition partners to like-minded organizations throughout our state and in the surrounding areas – in North Jersey, for example, members are doing what they can to ensure reproductive justice for all – and to keep themselves informed about why we need economic and political change and how to make that change happen.

$15 Now Minimum Wage Campaign

15 Now NJ

After Democrats failed to put a $15 an hour minimum wage on the ballot 15 Now NJ is strengthening its commitment to end poverty wages in New Jersey. We have another year to organize more working class people, grow our coalition, and take part in direct actions. 

The Democratic Socialists of America in New Jersey have put a lot of effort into mobilizing for events, canvassing workers, and pressuring the political establishment. In order to meet our ultimate goal we will need all of our coalition partners and activists to step up these efforts and use new tactics in 2017, beginning with our upcoming action at the Garden State Plaza on January 14.

  • $15 Now NJ Action at the Garden State Plaza – Rochelle Park, NJ

Saturday, January 14 – 2pm – 4pm
Facebook Event
There are 1.2 million people living at or near poverty in New Jersey, we cannot accept that. This economy will not  be changed by the establishment. This movement will be led by workers, and 15 Now NJ is the grassroots coalition needed to create real change. 

New Jersey Universal Healthcare Coalition

“Capitalists…should never be allowed near a health care system. They hold sick children hostage as they force parents to bankrupt themselves in the desperate scramble to pay for medical care.”
-Chris Hedges

New Jersey Universal Healthcare Coalition

The time for change is now! The New Jersey Universal Healthcare Coalition (NJUHC) exists to develop and build support for state-level single-payer legislation in New Jersey. Our vision includes expanding Medicare to serve all NJ residents, both citizens and undocumented. We recognize the need to apply a diversity of tactics to win victories for the people, and as such we emphasize both grassroots work and legislative campaigning to achieve our goals. 

Since she has come out publicly supporting single payer, one of our next steps is to organize a legislative meeting with Assemblywoman Sheila Oliver of district 34 (Essex and Passaic counties: Clifton, East Orange, Montclair, Orange). Anyone interested in attending this meeting ought to reach out to us as soon as possible, so we can get the meeting planned and scheduled within the coming weeks. While we don’t have any coalition-wide events planned for this January, we do have member organizations all around NJ which are actively focused on their own organizational goals to serve the people and bring about economic justice.

We need all the support we can get both on the ground and online. Find us on our website, on Facebook, and on Twitter. Make sure to like us, follow us, and subscribe to our mailing list so we can keep you in the loop about developments to come.

Healthcare is a human right! That is why we have to fight! 


  • Non-DSA Meeting, Not In Our Town: Princeton

Monthly, Princeton Public Library
Not In Our Town:Princeton 

  • Non-DSA Meeting, POP Justice Mondays

​Monthly, Princeton Public Library
Not In Our Town:Princeton 

  • Day Against Denial – Nationwide, including Action in Newark, NJ

Monday, January 9 – 12:45pm
Find Event

  • Rally Against Solitary Confinement – Trenton, NJ

Wednesday, January 11 – 12pm

  • Newark Education Workers (NEW) Caucus Happy Hour – Newark, NJ

Friday, January 13 – 4pm

  • Single-Payer Strategy Conference, New York City (Agenda)

Friday, January 13 – Sunday, January 15
Information & Registration

  • DSA Monthly Meeting – North NJ DSA

Saturday, January 14 – 12:30pm
Facebook Event

  • DSA Monthly Meeting – Central NJ DSA

Saturday, January 14 – 3pm
Facebook Event

  • $15 Now NJ Action at the Garden State Plaza – Rochelle Park, NJ

Saturday, January 14 – 2pm – 4pm
Facebook Event

  • Webinar, Lessons in Organizing from the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union

Tuesday, January 17 – 9pm

  • DSA – Stand Against Trump at the Counter-Inauguration – Washington, D.C.

Friday, January 20 – 10am
Facebook Event

  • Webinar, Introduction to Socialist Feminism

Thursday, January 26 – 8pm

  • Campaign Kick Off, Sanctuary City Status for Jersey City

Wednesday, January 25th
Full event info TBD (Jersey City People’s Alliance)

The Red Star-Ledger is a publication in the New Jersey Democratic Socialists of America. Have something to contribute to The Red Star-Ledger or know about an event of interest to our members? E-mail us at
Images are sourced from Facebook pages of the Central NJ DSA, North NJ DSA, and coalition partners.
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