North NJ DSA

The Road to Convention | Register, Read Proposals, Attend Events!

We are now on the road to the 2024 NNJ DSA Convention! All submitted resolutions, priority campaigns, EC Candidate Questionnaires are now live! Amendments to these proposals are due a week from tonight, Sunday, January 14th. We’ve also announced a few more events to support Convention, facilitate more political discussion, learn how the rules of Convention go, and even party it up with a social the night before!

View Proposals here

Submit Amendments here.

RSVP for Roberts Rules Training

RSVP for Run for EC Leadership Forum

Jan 27th Our Political Moment in NJ Forum & Social – LOCATION TBA

RSVP for 2024 Convention

Check (and even save to your Calendar) the chapter Calendar to register for events and see in-person locations for some supplemental events. The Convention itself is totally on Zoom.

If you’re not a Member in good standing, go ahead and pay dues to get access to view proposals. If you want to make sure you are up to date on when all things in the chapter are happening, and to be involved in the discussions about future projects and organizing, Join our Chapter Slack by attending our new member orientation Sat. January 20th at 11AM.

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